The health emergency caused by COVID 19 in Italy and in the rest of the world forbid all the circus and entertainment companies from performing. Unfortunately this situation impacted on our business as well.

Despite all the difficulties, we are happy that nobody among our employees and partners was infected. This is also due to the fact that all mandatory containment and individual distancing measures in the company were adopted and respected. We feel close to all our customers and hope that everybody can go back to work very soon.

After eight weeks of lockdown, a gradual reopening of production activities is taking place in Italy. We hope to go back to ‘normal’ as soon as possible and to win every uncertainty about the future thanks to our great commitment and enthusiasm.

Dispenser for hand sanitizer, gloves and rubbish bin

With reference to the contagion containment measures and following to our customers’ requests, we produced dispensers for hand sanitizers, gloves, masks and rubbish bins to be placed inside circuses, offices and wherever needed.

The dispensers are made of stainless steel and can be ordered both in the standard size, see the pictures (height 1.60 m), or customized according to your needs.

Light, easy-to-carry and washable, it represents an excellent device for the individual disinfection that must be available to the public and in the work place, as requested by the regulations all over the world.

Feel free to call for any information or simply to let us know how you feel. We are always available for consultancy and price offers.

See you soon!